
Best Gait Analysis Continuing Education Programs

About the Author

Doug Adams PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, CSCS Dr. Doug Adams is a Physical Therapist who has published and spoken at an international level on all things related to running. Doug has taught thousands of professionals his systematic approach to providing personalized plans for runners through the Certified Running Gait Analyst and Endurance Running Coaching courses. He also designed and created a portable 3D Motion Analysis system called Helix 3D for analyzing and categorizing running form that is used widely throughout the Department of Defense, professional sports, and commercial sectors.

More from Doug

Finding the best gait analysis continuing education programs is crucial for professionals aiming to enhance their expertise.

This comprehensive guide is tailored to help you identify top-tier courses that align with your career goals in gait analysis, mainly focusing on the exceptional offerings from RunDNA.

Each program is meticulously broken down to give you a clear understanding of what to expect, how it can benefit your professional growth, and why these courses stand out in the field.


RunDNA’s Approach to Gait Analysis Education

RunDNA’s educational philosophy in gait analysis stands out for its seamless integration of scientific rigor, practical application, and the latest technological advancements, focusing on gait mechanics, gait cycle, and gait assessment techniques.

This approach is meticulously designed to meet the evolving needs of professionals in the field, ensuring they are well-equipped with cutting-edge knowledge and skills.

Balancing Scientific Rigor with Practical Application

Participants are not only introduced to the technical aspects of gait analysis but are also guided on effectively applying these principles in real-world scenarios.

Consequently, this approach goes beyond theoretical understanding, fostering a more profound comprehension and practical application of gait analysis.

Incorporating the Latest Technology and Research

Regularly updated to reflect the newest developments in the field, these courses ensure that participants receive the most current and relevant information.

This dedication to staying at the forefront of advancements empowers professionals to lead in gait analysis and running science.

Tailoring the Learning Experience

Additionally, recognizing each professional’s unique needs and goals, RunDNA designs its courses to be highly adaptable. This personalized approach is evident in their varied teaching methods, which include in-depth modules, interactive sessions, and practical workshops.

Each element of the program is thoughtfully crafted to maximize individual learning outcomes and cater to a diverse range of professional backgrounds.


level 1 certificate

Level 1 Certified Running Gait Analyst

The Level 1 Certified Running Gait Analyst course, offered at $299.00, is an essential program for physical therapists and fitness professionals seeking to enhance their skills in running gait analysis, focusing on gait dysfunctions, gait abnormalities, and functional gait.

This course is meticulously designed to build confidence in analyzing gait patterns and developing tailored programs for runners, ensuring a high level of expertise in this specialized area.

Fostering Confidence in Gait Analysis

One of the primary course objectives of this program is to empower participants with the confidence to analyze running gait accurately.

This skill is crucial for identifying and addressing the unique needs of each runner, leading to more effective and personalized training and rehabilitation programs.

The course’s hands-on approach ensures that participants gain practical experience in gait analysis, making them proficient in this critical aspect of running coaching and physical therapy.

Comprehensive Runner Readiness Assessment

An integral part of the curriculum is the Runner Readiness Assessment. This assessment provides:

  • A structured framework for evaluating a runner’s preparedness.
  • Identifying potential areas of concern.
  • Setting the stage for effective intervention.

Understanding Running Gait Impairments

The course delves into five categories of running gait impairments, providing a thorough understanding of common issues faced by runners.

By comprehending these categories, professionals can better tailor their corrective programs to each runner’s specific needs.

Crafting Detailed Corrective Programs

Another course objective is to focus on creating detailed corrective programs.

These programs are designed to address the identified gait impairments, ensuring that runners can improve their technique, enhance performance, and reduce the risk of injury.

Valuable Continuing Education

With 5 Continuing Education Units (CEU) hours, this certification offers a substantial educational experience.

It is ideal for fitness professionals, physical therapists, and running coaches who wish to deepen their understanding of running gait analysis and apply it in their practice.


level 2 certificate

Level 2 Certified Running Gait Analyst

The Level 2 Certified Running Gait Analyst course, priced at $399.00, is an advanced program tailored for professionals, including physical therapists and athletic trainers, aspiring to become experts in treating and training runners, especially in complex cases involving gait training, gait dysfunction, and treatment strategies.

This course takes a deep dive into the intricacies of running gait analysis, equipping participants with the skills to handle various challenges in the field.

Expertise in Complex Running Gait Cases

This course is specifically designed for those who wish to elevate their expertise to a higher level, focusing on complex gait analysis cases.

It provides an in-depth understanding of the nuances of treating and training runners, making it ideal for professionals looking to specialize in this area.

Comprehensive Analysis of Running Gait Impairments

A significant component of the course is the exploration of twelve categories of running gait impairments.

By mastering these categories, participants can more accurately diagnose and treat gait-related problems, enhancing their ability to improve runner performance and prevent injuries.

Understanding Loading Levels and Their Implications

Another critical aspect of the course is the study of loading levels and their implications for runners.

Understanding how different loading levels impact runners allows professionals to create more tailored and effective interventions.

Developing Detailed Strength, Jumping, and Injury-Specific Plans

The course also focuses on creating detailed strength, jumping, and injury-specific plans.

These plans are essential for addressing the specific needs of runners, whether they are looking to improve performance, recover from an injury, or prevent future injuries.

Extensive Continuing Education Experience

With a total of 7 Continuing Education Units (CEU) hours, this advanced certification offers an extensive educational experience.

It is particularly beneficial for those who have already completed the Level 1 certification or have equivalent experience and are looking to further specialize in running gait analysis.


coaching certificate

Level 1 Endurance Running Coach Certification

The Level 1 Endurance Running Coach Certification is a comprehensive course designed for coaches and athletic trainers to deepen their expertise in coaching endurance athletes, with a focus on running form and running-related injuries.

Priced at $299.00, this program stands out for its systematic approach to crafting personalized training plans, ensuring that each regimen is tailored to runners’ needs and goals.

Systematic Approach to Personalized Training

Central to this course is the focus on a systematic approach to developing training plans.

This method ensures that each plan is not just a generic template but is thoughtfully customized to the runner’s unique requirements.

Such personalization is crucial in helping runners achieve their specific endurance goals effectively and safely.

Scientifically Backed Methods for Fitness and Training Load

Another significant aspect of this certification is incorporating scientifically backed methods to quantify fitness levels and training loads.

This approach is grounded in evidence-based practices, ensuring that the training recommendations are effective and optimized for peak performance and injury prevention.

Key Components of the Course

The course is structured around three key components of endurance running performance:

  • Understanding Endurance Running Performance: This involves a deep dive into the factors influencing endurance running, providing a solid foundation for designing effective training programs.
  • Scientific Approach to Training Load: The course emphasizes the importance of a scientific approach in determining training loads, ensuring that runners are neither undertrained nor overtrained.
  • Race-Specific Training Plans: A critical feature of the course is its focus on developing race-specific training plans. This tailored approach ensures that runners are adequately prepared for the specific demands of their target races.

Comprehensive Educational Experience

With a total of 7.5 Continuing Education Units (CEU) hours, this certification offers a thorough educational experience. It equips aspiring and current coaches with the necessary tools and knowledge to elevate their coaching skills, particularly in endurance running.


Comparing the Courses: Which One is Right for You?

Choosing the right course from RunDNA’s offerings depends on your professional background, whether you’re a physical therapist, coach, or trainer, your career aspirations, and the specific skills you wish to develop, such as movement patterns, running injuries, and treatment techniques.

Here’s a comparative analysis of the three courses to help you decide which aligns best with your professional needs and goals.


Level 1 Endurance Running Coach Certification vs. Level 1 Certified Running Gait Analyst

Focus Area:

The Endurance Running Coach Certification is ideal for those who want to specialize in creating personalized endurance training plans using a scientific approach to training load and race-specific strategies.

In contrast, the Level 1 Certified Running Gait Analyst course is more suited for professionals focusing on the biomechanics of running, offering skills in gait analysis and corrective program development.

Target Audience:

The Endurance Running Coach Certification is perfect for coaches looking to enhance their ability to train endurance runners.

In contrast, the Gait Analyst course is tailored for those who want to venture into the specifics of running gait, including physical therapists and fitness trainers.

Skill Development:

The Endurance Running Coach course emphasizes endurance performance and training plan development, while the Gait Analyst course focuses on assessing and improving running gait and addressing impairments.


Level 1 vs. Level 2 Certified Running Gait Analyst

Depth of Knowledge:

The Level 1 course lays the foundation for running gait analysis, making it suitable for beginners or those new to this field.

The Level 2 course, however, delves deeper, covering more complex aspects of gait analysis, and is ideal for those who have some experience or have completed the Level 1 course.

Complexity of Cases:

Level 2 is designed for handling more complex cases and includes advanced topics like detailed strength, jumping, and injury-specific plans. It’s best suited for professionals who are ready to take their skills to a higher level.

Professional Advancement:

If you’re looking to broaden your basic knowledge and skills in gait analysis, Level 1 is the way to go.

However, if you aim to become an expert in this niche, Level 2 will provide the advanced training you need.


Guidance on Selecting the Right Course

  • Assess Your Current Skills and Knowledge: Consider your existing running training and gait analysis expertise. If you’re starting, Level 1 courses are the best entry point.
  • Consider Your Career Goals: If your goal is to specialize in endurance running coaching, the Endurance Running Coach Certification is ideal. The Gait Analyst courses are more appropriate for a focus on biomechanics and gait analysis.
  • Plan for Future Growth: Consider how each course fits into your long-term career plan. For instance, the Level 2 Gait Analyst course is an excellent choice for those who wish to continue growing in this field and become recognized experts.

The Impact of These Courses on Your Professional Development

Each course is designed to significantly enhance your skills and knowledge, opening doors to new opportunities and advancements in your professional journey.

Let’s explore how these courses can impact your career:

Enhancing Skills and Knowledge

Whether it’s the Endurance Running Coach Certification or the Running Gait Analyst courses, you gain in-depth knowledge in specialized fields such as endurance training, gait analysis, and injury prevention.

More than just theoretical learning, these courses emphasize the practical application of concepts.

This hands-on approach ensures you can effectively implement new techniques and strategies in real-world scenarios, significantly enhancing your professional capabilities.

Additionally, staying current with the latest research and technological advancements is a key component of these courses, ensuring your knowledge remains relevant and cutting-edge.

Career Advancements and Opportunities

Completing these courses from RunDNA can be a transformative experience for your career. They open up new professional opportunities, potentially allowing you to work with elite athletes, join sports science teams, or collaborate in sports medicine.

The certification you receive is a testament to your knowledge and enhances your credibility in the professional world. It signifies a commitment to your field and can be a decisive factor in advancing to higher positions.

Furthermore, these courses offer excellent networking opportunities, connecting you with peers and experts in the field. Such connections can lead to collaborative projects, referrals, and new job prospects.

Long-Term Professional Growth

The journey through these courses instills a mindset of continual learning, which is crucial for long-term success and adaptability in the ever-evolving field of running science.

As you apply and share the knowledge gained from these courses, you gradually build a reputation as an expert in your area.

This can lead to opportunities like speaking engagements, authoring articles, or conducting workshops, further solidifying your standing in the professional community.


Elevate Your Career with Gait Analysis Continuing Education – Enroll Now

These courses are your gateway to new heights in professional expertise and opportunities. Whether you’re starting fresh or building on existing knowledge, RunDNA has a course tailored to your career aspirations.

Enroll in RunDNA’s gait analysis continuing education programs and mark the beginning of a new chapter in your professional journey.